BeeBaby is a mobile app developed in 2013 by Lighthouse, a Brazilian company builder startup that i was a co-founder as a Designer generalist - where i met the 'Product Development' concept, lean startup and Agile methods. The main goal of this app is to register all moments of a children, from the birth to childhood's and share with parents and relatives. The app associate pictures with daily bases event registers like "the first bath", "first word said" and other tender family moments.
BeeBaby have hundreds of curated by us predefined events ready to associate with pictures suggested by location, time and child age and other criteria.
Remember: in 2013 AI it was a dream yet and quantic computers only exists on geek or scientific talking
The app was highlighted at App Store's Best New Apps gallery at the first week when they've launched and stayed there for more a couple month reaching more thank 10,000 downloads.
BeeBaby app mobile
iOS natively built (before the existence of Flutter, ReactNative, etc) to provide a fun and cute experience to parents and family to share kids' life events and get closer to their growth. Based on event predictive search feature and suggesting cards based on its moments to share with the family in a closed circle on the app or on the social media like Instagram and Facebook as well. 
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